Dear dbektas22.muhasebe
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and family?,You may not understand why this mail came to you.
We have been having a meeting for the passed 7 months which ended 2 days ago.
This money is from the united states Government to help and assist you and few people in your city as the COVID 19 assistant.
This email is to all the people that have COVID 19 in any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS have agreed to compensate them with the sum of US$300,000.00
(Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) This includes every Person that may have lost their life due to COVID 19 .
You are advised to contact JULIUS MARK jeouwoai87@gmail.com (ESQ) of CITI BANK , as he is our representative, contact him immediately for your Cheque or bank transfer sum of USD$300,000.00 ( Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) This funds are in a ATM CARD for security purpose
So he will send it to you and you can clear it in any ATM CASH POINT of your choice.
BANK NAME: …………………………………
ACCOUNT NAME: …………………………………
BANK ACCOUNT N°: …………………………………….
BANK SWIFT CODE: …………………………………
BANK CONTACT ADDRESS: ...………………………………
YOUR FULL NAME: …………………………………
ADDRESS: …………………………………
NATIONALITY: …………………………………
PROFESSION: …………………………………
SEX/AGE: …………………………………
EMAIL CONTACT: ………………………………… Good luck and kind regards,
Person to Contact: Dr. JULIUS MARK jeouwoai87@gmail.com (ESQ)