30 Ocak 2022 Pazar
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25 Ocak 2022 Salı
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22 Ocak 2022 Cumartesi
Don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days!
I know, it's unpleasant to start the conversation with bad news, but I have no choice.
Few months ago, I have gained access to your devices that used by you for internet browsing.
Afterwards, I could track down all your internet activities.
Here is the history of how it could become possible:
At first, I purchased from hackers the access to multiple email accounts (nowadays, it is a really simple thing to do online).
As result, I could easily log in to your email account (dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com).
One week later, I installed Trojan virus in Operating Systems of all devices of yours, which you use to open email.
Frankly speaking, it was rather straightforward (since you were opening the links from your inbox emails).
Everything ingenious is quite simple. (0_o)!
My software enables me with access to all controllers inside devices of yours, like microphone, keyboard and video camera.
I could easily download to my servers all your private info, including the history of web browsing and photos.
I can effortlessly gain access to all your messengers, social networks accounts, emails, contact list as well as chat history.
Virus of mine constantly keeps refreshing its signatures (because it is driver-based), and as result remains unnoticed by your antivirus.
Hence, you can already guess why I stayed undetected all this while.
As I was gathering information about you, I couldn't help but notice that you are also a true fan of adult-content websites.
You actually love visiting porn sites and browsing through kinky videos, while pleasuring yourself.
I could make a few dirty records with you in the main focus and montaged several videos showing the way you reach orgasm while masturbating with joy.
If you are still uncertain regarding the seriousness of my intentions,
it only requires several mouse clicks for me to forward your videos to all your relatives, as well as friends and colleagues.
I can also make those vids become accessible by public.
I honestly think that you do not really want that to happen, considering the peculiarity of videos you like to watch,
(you obviously know what I mean) all that kinky content can become a reason of serious troubles for you.
However, we can still resolve this situation in the following manner:
Everything you are required to do is a single transfer of $1340 USD to my account (or amount equivalent to bitcoin depending on exchange rate at the moment of transfer),
and once the transaction is complete, I will straight away remove all the dirty content exposing you.
After that, you can even forget that you have come across me. Moreover, I swear that all the harmful software will be removed from all devices of yours as well.
Make no doubt that I will fulfill my part.
This is really a great deal that comes at a reasonable price, given that I have used quite a lot of energy to check your profile as well as traffic over an extended period of time.
If you have no idea about bitcoin purchase process - it can be straightforwardly done by getting all the necessary information online.
Here is my bitcoin wallet provided below: 1JfnsTBvRQYNvzxYFTQBtEUgojmPy2vd6F
You should complete the abovementioned transfer within 48 hours (2 days) after opening this email.
The following list contains actions you should avoid attempting:
#Do not try replying my email (email in your inbox was generated by me alongside with return email address).
#Do not try calling police as well as other security forces. In addition, abstain from sharing this story with your friends.
After I find out (be sure, I can easily do that, given that I keep complete control of all your devices) - your kinky video will end up being available to public right away.
#Do not try searching for me - there is absolutely no reason to do that. Moreover, all transactions in cryptocurrency are always anonymous.
#Do not try reinstalling the OS on your devices or throwing them away. It is pointless as well, since all your videos have already been uploaded to remote servers.
The following list contains things you should not be worried about:
#That your money won't reach my account.
- Rest assured, the transactions can be tracked, hence once the transaction is complete,
I will know about it, because I continuously observe all your activities (my trojan virus allows me to control remotely your devices, same as TeamViewer).
#That I still will share your kinky videos to public after you complete money transfer.
- Trust me, it's pointless for me to continue troubling your life. If I really wanted, I would make it happen already!
Let's make this deal in a fair manner!
Owh, one more thing...in future it is best that you don't involve yourself in similar situations any longer!
One last advice from me - recurrently change all your passwords from all accounts.
21 Ocak 2022 Cuma
I am Bartholomieu
Lome Togo security company. You get 40% from the total amount.
We work together and there will be success at the end. Reply for more details.
15 Ocak 2022 Cumartesi
İLETİŞİM 0546 865 90 10 – 0546 865 90 00 - 0216 446 04 62
Tanıtım maili almak istemiyorsanız lütfen tıklayınız: http://bulten.euroblast.com.tr/
Ürün inceleme videoları paylaştığımız YouTube kanalımıza aşağıdaki simgeye tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz.
13 Ocak 2022 Perşembe
Waiting for the payment 13.1.2022 9:42:00
Hello dbektas22.muhasebe!
Have you recently noticed that I have e-mailed you from your account?
Yes, this simply means that I have total access to your device.
For the last couple of months, I have been watching you.
Still wondering how is that possible? Well, you have been infected with malware originating from
an adult website that you visited. You may not be familiar with this, but I will try explaining
it to you.
With help of the Trojan Virus, I have complete access to a PC or any other device.
This simply means I can see you at any time I wish to on your screen by simply turning on your
camera and microphone, without you even noticing it. In addition, I have also got access to your
contacts list and all your correspondence.
You may be asking yourself, "But my PC has an active antivirus, how is this even possible? Why
didn't I receive any notification?" Well, the answer is simple: my malware uses drivers, where I
update the signatures every four hours, making it undetectable, and hence keeping your antivirus
I have a video of you wanking on the left screen, and on the right screen - the video you were
watching while masturbating.
Wondering how bad could this get? With just a single click of my mouse, this video can be sent
to all your social networks, and e-mail contacts.
I can also share access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.
All you have to do to prevent this from happening is - transfer bitcoins worth $290 (USD) to my
Bitcoin address (if you have no idea how to do this, you can open your browser and simply
search: "Buy Bitcoin").
My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is:
After receiving a confirmation of your payment, I will delete the video right away, and that's
it, you will never hear from me again.
You have 2 days (48 hours) to complete this transaction.
Once you open this e-mail, I will receive a notification, and my timer will start ticking.
Any attempt to file a complaint will not result in anything, since this e-mail cannot be traced
back, same as my bitcoin id.
I have been working on this for a very long time by now; I do not give any chance for a mistake.
If, by any chance I find out that you have shared this message with anybody else, I will
broadcast your video as mentioned above.
4 Ocak 2022 Salı
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