31 Ağustos 2019 Cumartesi
Plead for Assistance
28 Ağustos 2019 Çarşamba
Your Compensation Fund has been approved:
I wish to use this medium to inform you that your full payment of $1.2
million has been approved Central Bank of Benin has approved it for
onward released to you via Visa ATM card which you will use to
withdraw all the $1.2 million in any ATM machine in any part of the
world but the maximum you can withdraw in a day is $5,500 Only. We
have mandated United Bank for Africa Benin to send you the ATM Card
and PIN CODE which you will use to withdraw all your $1.2 Million in
any ATM machine in any part of the world,
You are hereby advice to contact the Head of ATM Card Department of
United Bank for Africa as follows: E-mail address:
revjamese95@gmail.com Contact person is Rev. James Edward, Instructing
him to send you the ATM CARD and PIN CODE which you will use to
withdraw your fund $1.2 million in any ATM machine in any part of the
world. Also send him your direct phone numbers and contact address
where you want him to send the ATM CARD and PIN NUMBER to you, The
only money you will pay is non resident tax clearance fees $175 only.
Thanks for adhering to this instruction and once again accept our
Mr. Mark John.
27 Ağustos 2019 Salı
I need Urgent response please
I hope all is well? It's just my urgent need that made me to contact you in this opportunity for the mutual benefit of our both families, I am the Director in charge of Auditing and Accountant unit of the bank,I discovered an abounded fund sum of ($11.6 million) of one of our bank clients who died with his family in crash since 7yrs ago and none of his family members or relations is coming for the claim, And now the management of this bank is planning on how to confiscate this fund into our custody since no body is coming for the claim.
Please I need your assistance without wasting time and your honest to execute this transaction under your kind control as the next of kin,I will send you the full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will receive 40% of the amount mentioned above if you are capable to assist me and execute this deal, please note that the claims is 100% risk free.
I am waiting for your urgent response.
Dr Muhamed
23 Ağustos 2019 Cuma
I am Barrister Bryan Louis, I am contacting you to assist me in
retrieving the huge deposit my client Mr. Alexander left in the bank
before it get confiscated by the bank since i am unable to locate his
next of kin. Get back to me for more details
Kind Regards
Barrister. Bryan Louis
20 Ağustos 2019 Salı
Email Alert: dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com NOTE New Sign in Alert From Unrecognized Location And Device.
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Source: Email Security Team blogger.com |
Email Alert: dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com NOTE New Sign in Alert From Unrecognized Location And Device.
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Source: Email Security Team blogger.com |
19 Ağustos 2019 Pazartesi
15 Ağustos 2019 Perşembe
I am Miss Fatima Almuntasir, daughter to former Libyan minister of mineral resources (late Mr. Al-Salif Almuntasir) I want to transfer the ownership fund that my late father left in my name to you for safe-keeping and relocate to your country to complete my medical course and permanently reside there. I propose to remunerate you with 25% of the fund at the successful end for your honesty, transparency, confidentiality and sincerity of purpose. All further details will be disclosed to you as soon as I have your confidence.
Yours Sincerely,
Fatima Almuntasir
Can you help the people of God? I wish to establish a charity fondation to help the poor in your country under your care, Can you help to build this project in your country?I am willing to donate my late husband's funds to the less privileges for the help of mankind. All i need from you is your sincerity to use this funds to do this project as i desired to use it for less privileged ones and orphanage homes, We are the one who will make the world a better place when we help the needies,Let me read from you today and know your your opinion in doing this project for the benefit of mankind in your country,Remain blessed,from Mrs Victoria Kim
10 Ağustos 2019 Cumartesi
From Mrs Maria Johnson!
I am Mrs Maria Johnson an Active Banker, I saw your email address while browsing through the bank DTC Screen in my office yesterday, so i decided to use this very chance to know you more I have deal of ($10.5 million Dollars) to transfer into your account, if you are interested get back to me for more details.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Your faithfully
Mrs Maria Johnson
5 Ağustos 2019 Pazartesi
Urgent Reply
I know this Letter will come to you as surprise, though I do not
intend to embarrass you. Please do accept my apologies I do not wish
to invade into your privacy, I had written an earlier mail to you but
without response, In my first mail I mentioned to you about my late
client, a foreigner, who died since 2017, Since his death I have
received several letters from the Bank where he made a deposit of
12,500,000.00 USD (Twelve Million Five Hundred thousand US Dollars) in
the event of his death.
The bank has asked me to provide his next of kin or any of his
relatives who can make claim to his funds or it will be confiscated by
the bank, as I could not locate any of his relative hence i contacted
you for this claim. Upon your response I will give you the details and
procedures of the transaction.
Waiting for your reply.
Best Regards,
Mr. Martin Adams. Esq,
Adams & Associates Chambers
2 Ağustos 2019 Cuma
Dear Sir/Madam, VERY IMPORTANT...
I would love to discuss a very important proposition,mutual deal with you. Kindly reply as soon as possible for more details.
Philip Amphlett
Blog Arşivi
- Plead for Assistance
- Your Compensation Fund has been approved:
- I need Urgent response please
- Hello
- Email Alert: dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com NOTE N...
- Email Alert: dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com NOTE N...
- hi
- OK.....
- Can you help the people of God? I wish to establis...
- From Mrs Maria Johnson!
- Urgent Reply
- Dear Sir/Madam, VERY IMPORTANT...
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