30 Ekim 2019 Çarşamba
25 Ekim 2019 Cuma
You have Two (2) Messages Pending Delivery On Your e-Mail Portal
PENDING DELIVERY: Statement Of Account | To: dbektas22.muhasebe | 10.18.2019 |
PENDING DELIVERY: PL & Proforma Invoice | To: dbektas22.muhasebe | 10.22.2019 |
You are receiving this one-time notification because you created dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com account.
21 Ekim 2019 Pazartesi
I wish to inform you that your e-mail appeared among the beneficiaries who will receive United Nations Compensation fund $1.2 million and Central Bank of West African States has approved the fund for onward released to you via Visa ATM card which you will use to withdraw all the $1.2 million in any ATM machine in any part of the world.
We have mandated the United Bank for Africa Benin to send you the ATM Card and PIN CODE which you will use to withdraw all your $1.2 Million in any ATM machine in any part of the world so please contact the Head of ATM Card Department of United Bank for Africa Benin as follows: E-mail address: edwardrevjamesi3@gmail.com Contact person is Rev. James Edward please inform him that you received a message from the office of Mr. Mark John of the U N Compensation Agency instructing him to send you the ATM CARD and PIN CODE.
Thanks for adhering to this instruction and once again accept our congratulations.
Mr. Mark John
UN Compensation Agency.
14 Ekim 2019 Pazartesi
10 Ekim 2019 Perşembe
Urgent Attention
My name is Ulrich Bredemeyer, I am a regional manager of one of the banks here in EUROPE, I am writing you this proposal in good faith; I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit you and I. It is my duty to send in a financial report to my head office at the end of each business year. On the course of the last year business report, I discovered that my branch office made excess profit of (US$42.5 Million).
I have placed these funds in escrow account with no beneficiary. As an officer of this bank I cannot be directly connected to this money, so my aim of contacting you is to assist me receive this money in your bank account and get 40% of the total funds as your commission. I have perfected the banking procedure to enable our head office transfer the funds into your account in less than 7 working days.
I have not met with you in person neither have I had any business relationship with you previously but I am instinctively convinced that you are the ideal person I require to handle the funds for me. My major concern is to see that this money is transferred into your account, I would be very glad should you therefore confirm your willingness to assist in receiving this fund before my final departure to join you for the investment purpose.
Reply me with this email address: bredulrich@yahoo.com
Best Regards
Ulrich Bredemeyer.
8 Ekim 2019 Salı
Urgent Need of Quotation for Immediate Order
Hello Sir/madam ,
We are Interested in buying your product
Kindly send your company latest catalog and your best price list.
Also confirm your company mode of payment.
I await your feedback
Best Regards,
Miss Bettina Heinz
(Export Director)
E-mail: appletachgsm@aol.com
9 Broad Street Suite 250
Stamford, CT 06901
Office: 203-987-5161
Mobile: 914-419-6080
6 Ekim 2019 Pazar
Add: Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
My name is Mr.Steven Banny the principal treasury officer with one of the prime banks in Cote d'Ivoire. I have decided to contact you through this medium based on a business proposal, which will be of mutual benefit to both of us. I discovered your email through comprehensive web email search on directory so I decided to contact you. I know this might sound like scam to you because of a lot of activities going on in the internet today. But I assure you that this is real.
I am the personal accounts manager to one of our late client, a national of your country, who used to work with an oil servicing company here in Cote d'Ivoire, the late client made a numbered time (fixed) deposited for twelve calendar months, valued at €16,500,000.00 (Sixteen Million Five Hundred Thousand European Euro) in my branch. Upon maturity, we sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply.
After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, PETRO-CI Corporation that my client died from an automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that he did not leave a will and all attempts to trace his next of kin were fruitless. I therefore made further investigation and discovered that the deceased person did not declare any next of kin in all his official documents, including his bank deposit paperwork.
This sum of (€16,500,000.00) is still sitting in the bank and the interest is rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year. No one will come forward to claim it. According to the law of Cote d'Ivoire, at the expiration of 10{Ten} years, the money will l revert to the ownership of the Cote d'Ivoire government if nobody claims the funds.
Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to deceased person for the fact that you have same last name with him so that this money will not be reverted by the government. If this request matches with your inward intention for success and greatness, then you are urged to make a quick response indicating your interest and readiness to participate and work with me to make this successful.
Please observe utmost confidentiality, and be rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to invest my share in your country. In your return mail, please do forward your information as listed below if you are willing to complete this deal with me, to enable me put the total fund in your name for claim as the next of kin to the deceased person:
(1) Full names:
(2) Private phone number:
(3) Current residential address:
(4) Occupation with company nam:
(5) ID Card or internetional passport:
(6) Age and Sex:
I wait for your urgent reply.
Mr.Steven Bannyy
4 Ekim 2019 Cuma
Waiting for your response
meets you in good time.I write you this letter from a sorrowful and
emotional Laddered soul that needs compassion from a kind and good spirited
person to carry out my last wishes and I will very much appreciate it and
promise you that you will not regret this day as long as your heart is pure
and sincere.I am mrs Akemi Sakon, 55 years old from Okayama-shi, Okayama, Japan,
I came across your profile while making a research on face book and
AMERICAN medicine on goggle so I saw your profile on the site and my spirit
pushed me to contact you for help.I am suffering from a long time cancer of
the breast and throat, from all indication my conditions is really
deteriorating and it is quite obvious that I can't work or do any stressful
thing, according to my doctors they have advised me that I may not live for
the next two months.
This is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage. I was
brought up from a motherless babies home,and was married to my late husband
for twenty years without a child. My husband Late Alexandra PAUL who worked
with America Embassy Washington D.C for eleven years before he died in a
fatal motor accident before his death in the year 2013 we were true
Christians. Since his death I decided not to re-marry, I sold all my
inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of $8.3 Million (Eight
Million, three hundred thousand U.S.Dollars) into my non residential
account.My late husband brother took away $2,800,000 from me and ran away
without knowing that my late husband who died in a car accident left some
money in my name and total amount left in my name was $5 million and after
selling all my properties I realized $8.3 million and deposit it into my
non residential account in Turkey. So the total amount I have now is $8.3
million dollars.I have decided not to have anything to do with my late
husband brother again in this life because they do not care about me and
only wish me death, I was a successful retired senior nurse but he almost
rendered me useless, at this moment, he do not know where I am or my where
about and I do not care.
I have no one else in this life.And the best part of it is, the paying bank
told me in the letter that they can have the funds released to my approved
person that was authorized by me so that the funds will be transferred to
his or her bank account anywhere in the world.Presently, i am using my
laptop in the hospital at london where I have been undergoing treatment for
my sickness. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told
me that I have only more 2 months to live.It is my last wish to see at
least 60% of this money is invested/donated to any organization/business of
your choice and distributed each year among the charity organization, e.g.
the poor homes, the motherless babies home where I came from and giving you
40% to help yourself since I do not have more than two months to leave in
this world.What i seek for is a kind and good spirited person who will
carry out my last wishes and before I wrote you today I prayed and my
spirit gave me the confidence to send you this email. I took this decision
before I rest in peace because my time will soon be up.As soon as I receive
your reply I will give you the contact information of the paying Bank with
instruction on how and whom to contact in regards to this matter at hand.I
will also issue you a letter of authority that will prove you as the
original- beneficiary of this said fund.
I want you to always pray for me because the lord is my shepherd.All i need
from you is a confidential assurance that the funds when received by you
will be used for the said purpose. Nowadays it is difficult to trust but I
don't know why my spirit still accept and approved me to email you about
this because i do not want someone who will run away with my money and no
2 Ekim 2019 Çarşamba
engelli iş ilanları işkur milas
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