27 Ocak 2020 Pazartesi
(salamu alaikum) From Mrs Rejoice Maseko
I was touched to send this letter to you after I have carefully gone through your profile .I am Mrs Rejoice Maseko, I want to go into Orphanage and motherless homes to help the orphanages, widows and less privileged around the globe but my present health illness do not permit me to handle this divine project alone, I therefore decided to seek for your noble assistance especially in your country to put smiles on the faces of motherless children and widows across the nation.
I am willing to send across ((USD $1.500.000) as volunteer projects to put smile on their face, your prompt response and support would be most gratefully appreciated to enable me proceed with the transfer to you upon your response for more details .
Yours Respectfully,
Mrs Rejoice Maseko
21 Ocak 2020 Salı
Await your response so we can proceed with remittance.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have received an authorization from our client to pay for an invoice. Kindly confirm if the attached bank details was issued by you.
Await your response so we can proceed with remittance.
Paul Cahill
Credit Director
Invoice .pdf
194K View as HTML Scan and download
16 Ocak 2020 Perşembe
Are You Fine With Your Current Suppliers For Anesthesia Machine
Hi, Nice Day!
This is Mggie from Superstar Medical from China.
We searched in google and Noticed that you are in the market of medical equipment.
SO, I'm pleased to inform you that we have been working with many big companies in Europe and South America and many other countries in the world.
As a leading manufacturer of medical equipment including anesthesia machine, ICU ventilator, CPAP system. We own our self-brand—SuperStar. At present, our brand ranks in the top three in the Chinese market, and the top ten in the global market.
We can provide the best price directly from our factory, even 20% cheaper than other suppliers. And our machines can be used at least for 20 years, with 15 year warranty.
Also, with our own factory, we can provide the machine at any time you need, as we already prepare all machines in stock and can ship to you within about one week.
We are in good position not only to supply you high quality machine, but also the excellent after sales service,Well-trained engineers will offer you any technical support.
Upon receipt of your feedback, we will update you more relevant proposals and working videos for your options.
I believe in our strong patented technology and top-level after-sales service and even logistics advantages can greatly help your business
Also, you can click the WhatsApp among my sign to talk with me.
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4 Ocak 2020 Cumartesi
The Source of fund is as result of over invoiced contract awarded to foreign contractors for the purchase and supply of military equipment/electoral materials. The contract was long executed and the foreign contractors have been paid. The original contract sum was 110M.USD but over-invoice value to 1680 million Dollars leaving in excess US $58 Million.
I have moved out the remaining funds to another country; in Europe through diplomatic means.
Funds are presently deposited with a bank for temporal safe keeping in Europe. The privilege was vested on me as the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) and contract award committee chairman; I am COL. Ahmed Abdul Mustafa from Sao Tome Island
I can be reached on my private tell line +229-95 07 38 62. Presently I'm in Republic of Benin, making effort to move out the funds to a personal secure foreign bank account oversea.
All i need is your full cooperation to provide suitable foreign bank account to lodge the funds oversea for investment. Your effort will be properly rewarded. Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
COL. Ahmed Abdul Mustafa
Tel. +229-95 07 38 62
Email: col_mustafa14@yahoo.com
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