26 Mart 2020 Perşembe
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Good Morning
Please do you speak English? I sent you message no response.
20 Mart 2020 Cuma
I wrote you before am surprise you did not respond, I am Jessy by
name. Please write back to me (jessyluv1y@hotmail.com) today I have an
important issue i want to discuses with you, I will be waiting for
your reply today. Thank you. Please reply it's not a Spam
Thanks and regards.
Miss Jessica
19 Mart 2020 Perşembe
Sincerely, Reply me via my official e-mail (davidphillip011@gmail.com)
Dr: David Phillip.
Coronavirus Drug Update: The Latest Info On Pharmaceutical Treatments And Vaccines.
Coronavirus Drug Update: The Latest Info On Pharmaceutical Treatments And Vaccines
Coronavirus Resource Center
The rapid spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 has sparked alarm worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, and many countries are grappling with a rise in confirmed cases. In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising people to be prepared for disruptions to daily life that will be necessary if the coronavirus spreads within communities.
An Israeli scientist works at a laboratory at the MIGAL Research Institute in northern Israel, where efforts are underway to produce a vaccine against the coronavirus adapted from one for infectious bronchitis virus, on March 1, 2020. To boost the immune system, physicians can use drugs like interferons. These are signaling proteins that serve as alarm bells in the body, activating an immune response. Interferons have been used to treat autoimmune diseases and viral hepatitis. “It’s a double-edged sword,” said Shi from the University of Texas Medical Branch. “If you activate them at the wrong time or if you activate it too much, it causes a lot of inflammation, which can cause disease.”
So to treat a virus, doctors have to balance attacking the virus directly without causing any collateral damage to the body, or they have to strengthen the body’s defenses while preventing the virus from causing even more harm. Interferons have already been used to treat Covid-19 cases in China, but it’s unclear how effective they are on their own.
After our research at the MIGAL Institute in northern Israel, we are able to produces drugs for coronavirus.
This drugs is to help you prevent coronavirus ONLY.
Here’s a drugs to some of the most talked-about efforts to treat or prevent coronavirus infection, with details on the science, history, and timeline for each endeavor.
We present two bottles of a natural covidrug which also come with coronavirus emergency kit to you today.
This drugs is to use for preventing coronavirus ONLY.
Due to this coronavirus people has terminate their work, school, and so many organization just to prevent coronavirus (COVID-19)
Price: $3,000
How to order.
Make payment to our easy payment method BITCOIN WALLET below, after payment send us proof of payment and address where order will be ship within 7/days.
Full name.
Phone number.
City & house address.
Contact: covid.pharmaceutical@aol.com
How to protect yourself
It is essential to maintain social distancing - including remaining one metre (three feet) away from anyone who may be coughing or sneezing near you; wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap; cover your face with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing take one full spoon of natural covidrug, and then throw the tissue in a waste bin; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; clean surfaces and objects you touch often; seek medical attention if you have symptoms; and avoid direct contact with live animals in affected areas.
Best Regards
Israeli scientist.
17 Mart 2020 Salı
hi ;;
How are you? I sent you a mail, but i haven't receive any reply from you OR you don't receive my previous message which i sent to you? Please reply me,
from Alina
13 Mart 2020 Cuma
Can you help the people of God?
12 Mart 2020 Perşembe
Business Proposal
I am chief accrediting officer with Bonafide Vacantia (BVD), a division of united kingdom. I have a business proposal that will be of immense benefit to both of us, Do contact me with the below details regarding the proposal for more details,
1)Full Name
2)Direct Contact Number
Yours Faithful,
George Tasos
E: george_tasost@mail2world.com
9 Mart 2020 Pazartesi
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6 Mart 2020 Cuma
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