31 Ağustos 2020 Pazartesi
IFC: FUND APPROVED (IFC-060290_EC/31/08/20)
29 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi
My Name is John J. Norman Am Business Consultant and I represent a group of company based in Gulf Region that wish to invest between US10,000,000.00 {Ten MILLION US DOLLARS} TO US$550,000,000. 00 {FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION US DOLLARS} in foreign investment depending on your investment capacity based on the amount you can invest and manage. We are currently seeking means of expanding and relocating our business interest abroad in the following sectors: oil/Gas, real estate, construction, stock, mining, transportation, health sector,tobacco or Communication Services.
Also in Agriculture or any other viable sector. If you think you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any of the mentioned business sectors or any other business in your country, please write me for possible business co-operation and the investment amount you can handle on this mail(normanj374@yahoo.com)
Let me hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
John J. Norman
Business Consultant.
27 Ağustos 2020 Perşembe
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Alex Peters
26 Ağustos 2020 Çarşamba
25 Ağustos 2020 Salı
24 Ağustos 2020 Pazartesi
re: Social SEO
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20 Ağustos 2020 Perşembe
re: Rank 1st in google with Content Marketing Strategy
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Vicky Valdes
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17 Ağustos 2020 Pazartesi
Very important message
Mesajı size daha önce göndermiştim, ancak yanıt vermemeniz beni tekrar
göndermeme neden oldu. BANQUE ATLANTIQUE LOME TOGO'nun şube müdürü Bay
Bryan Anselm. Merhum müşterimiz ile ilgili olarak sizinle iletişime
geçiyorum. merhum Bayan Rita John.
O tek çocuğuyla birlikte bir araba kazasında öldü ve geçmiş yıllarda
fonunu talep edecek kimseyi bırakmadı ve Lome Togo finans çeviricileri
bu fona terk edilmiş fon olarak el koymak istiyor ve onun için yeni
yararlanıcı olarak kalmanızı istiyorum. Ülkemdeki bankamızda 6.1
Milyon $ değerinde fon, ben onun kişisel hesap müdürüyüm ve işlemde
ilerledikçe bu taleplerde ihtiyaç duyulacak her yedek belge sizin
adınıza ve lehinize temin edilecektir.
Fon kaynağı, Fonu, ölmeden önce sanayici ve Petrol mıknatısı olan
rahmetli kocasından miras aldı. Benim için% 45, sizin için% 45 ve%
10'luk (6,1 Milyon Dolar) transferi almak için ilginizi belirtin,
fakirleri desteklemek için Hayır Kurumu'na verilecektir. maksimum
Size daha fazla ayrıntı vermem için acil yanıtınıza ihtiyacım var.
Bay Bryan Anselm
8/17/2020. Purchase Inquiry
Hello dbektas22.muhasebe
the famous brand John Lewis PLC, is UK's largest multi-channel retailer with over 76 shops and multiple expansion in Africa furnished by European/Asian/American products.
We are sourcing for new products to attract new customers and also retain our existing ones, create new partnerships with companies dealing
with different kinds of goods.
Your company was shortlisted by our team to collaborate with as we have a great market for your company's product lines based on our research.
Send us your current catalog through email to review more about your recent company's products and wholesale quote. We hope to be able to order with you and start a long-term friendly, respectable and solid business partnership. Please, we would appreciate it if you could send us your stock availability via email.
Our Payment Terms are within 15 days net in Europe, 30 days net in UK and 30 days net in Asia/USA as we operate with over 2640 suppliers around the globe for the past 50 years now. Send your reply to robturner.procurement@johnlewistrade.com for us to be able to treat with care and urgency.
Best Regards,
Rob Turner
John Lewis PLC,
Head of Procurement Operations
Tel: +44-7451-274090
WhatsApp: +447497483925
16 Ağustos 2020 Pazar
re: re: Boost SEO with quality EDU backlinks
1000 Edu blog backlinks to improve your backlinks base and increase SEO
metrics and ranks
Improve domain authority with more .edu blog backlinks
Unsubscribe from this newsletter
14 Ağustos 2020 Cuma
Greetings from Libya, I am the wife of the ex-Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Qadhafi, the former and late leader of
Libya Colonel Muammar Qadhafi who was betrayed and embattled by Libyan
and murdered by the Libyan rebels which led to his untimely death.
Since then, me and my children has been on travel ban, no access to
bank accounts and we have been rendered homeless and at the same time we are
under threat and we are not allowed to
invest or operate bank account. I wrote this letter because
I need you to help me to secure some of my family funds that is deposited by my late husband in different security
companies abroad which is no longer safe under the name of my late
husband therefore I urgently need your help to transfer the amount to your bank account
and ones we start, first, the beneficiary name should be
immediately changed from my late husband name to your name through my
I promise to make you richer by offering you 30% of the total amount
that can be secured through your help and in each transactions successfully
completed by you and if you can assist me, we must work in confidentiality therefore I want
you to please keep this as a greater secret.
In your response, I want you to provide me with your particulars as
listed below because it will be used by my lawyers to make change of
ownership of funds to your name:
1) Your full name.
2) Home or office Address.
3) Land Telephone and mobile phone numbers.
4) Your Age.
5) Your gender/Sex.
6) Your Occupation.
7) Any form of Identification, example: copy of (INTERNATIONAL PASSPORT or DRIVERS LICENSE).
Please contact me via my private and secured email addresses: (safqad202@gmail.com) for more information.
The attached is my passport and I await to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs.Safiya Qadhafi.
13 Ağustos 2020 Perşembe
12 Ağustos 2020 Çarşamba
Can you help the people of God? reply to me for more details i am waiting
10 Ağustos 2020 Pazartesi
Warning Message For dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com
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Source: www.blogger.com Email Security Team Copyright2020 |
7 Ağustos 2020 Cuma
5 Ağustos 2020 Çarşamba
fw: put ranks down for any website
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dbektas22.muhasebe DHL Tracking Details
Best Regards,
Thanks for choosing Dhl Express.
Warm Regards,
DHL EXPRESS……… ……………………………………………………
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Admin ! ©2017 All Rights Reserved |
3 Ağustos 2020 Pazartesi
Greetings to you
I have a project worth (US$6,550,000.00) that I want to entrust in your hands for good investment since I am very sick and can not do anything by myself not until after a serious upcoming surgical operation , Get back to me if you are interested for more details.
Mrs. Lorena Tejan
ADIM Cecilia Thompson
Blog Arşivi
- IFC: FUND APPROVED (IFC-060290_EC/31/08/20)
- Greeting,
- Domain Authority 50 for your website - Guaranteed...
- Hi, i emailed you earlier without a response, Plea...
- re: Social SEO
- Merhaba, size daha önce yanıt vermeden e-posta gön...
- re: Rank 1st in google with Content Marketing Stra...
- Very important message
- 8/17/2020. Purchase Inquiry
- re: re: Boost SEO with quality EDU backlinks
- hello
- Comply now
- Can you help the people of God? reply to me for mo...
- Warning Message For dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com
- hello
- HI
- fw: put ranks down for any website
- dbektas22.muhasebe DHL Tracking Details
- Greetings to you
- ADIM Cecilia Thompson
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