| | YOU MUST TRY IF YOU WORK WITH HEAVY ABRASIVES. RMS-2000 responds to the response from DMH in a very short time. The pot goes under pressure quickly when the trigger is pressed. When you take your hand from the trigger, the pot quickly becomes free.
The SGV valve is used for metering heavy or aggressive abrasive materials, such as steel shot and grit or aluminium oxide. |
| GUN FILTERS Gun filters improve the look of the final finish by removing unwanted debris from the paint. 60 mesh filter is for material such as primer and latex paint. Reduces nozzle blockages. It eliminates sedimentation in the filter. Provides more filtering area. | MANIFOLD FILTERS The Manifold Filter is the second line of defense against troublesome particles entering your sprayer and helps maintain a proper spraying pressure resulting in a better quality finish. The 60 mesh is ideal for materials like primer, latex and enamel. |
| BLAST CABINETS CAN BE ORDERED AS PRESSURE OR SUCTION SYSTEM We have the production of sandblasting cabinets in the dimensions you want. We can make pressurized or vacuum blast cabinets for your application. You can contact us to order. | HIGH PERFORMANCE VACUUM BLAST GUN AND BORON CARBIDE NOZZLE The specially designed gun provides excellent performance abrasive sand suction. The combination of this magnificent design with boron carbide nozzle offers long-lasting use. You can contact us to order. |
| | SANDBLASTING POTS We manufacture pressure blasting pots in accordance with CE norms. We have standard production between 50 lt and 1000 lt. We can produce sand silos with volumes up to 8000 lt. We use specially designed air flow valves and sand metering valves for all our pots. |
| Coating Thickness Measuring Device | Surface Roughness Measuring Device | Ultrasonic Thickness Measuring Device |
| Euroblast Makine San. Tic. A.S. Tuzla, Istanbul, Turkey If you do not want to receive promotional mail, please click. ©2021 Euroblast Makine San. Tic. A.S. All rights reserved. |
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