27 Eylül 2021 Pazartesi
I Dr Cabul Ahmed Writing from afghanistan. We are looking to move our huge capital from abroad and to invest in a peaciful atmosphere . I want to relocate my family out from Afghanistan due to the war in my country. Possible tie up with a Business or individual in your country for investment. Kindly advice investments opportunities in your contry. For more details contact me through this email address. (ccabulahmed@gmail.com)
Sincerely .
Dr Cabul Ahmed
22 Eylül 2021 Çarşamba
I'm Mr Akio Shimizu, The Director of Sales and Marketing in RIKEN KEIKI CO., LTD.in Japan I'm very interested in your products.i have been through your web-site and we would like to request for a trial order if your product is satisfactory we can establish a business relationship, Awaiting your prompt response .
Thank you and best regards,
Rank pharma or adult sites with blackhat SEO
please send a blank email to RonaldLilly7162@gmail.com
you will be automatically unsubscribed
17 Eylül 2021 Cuma
I dashur mik,
Unë jam Amanda Mcknight, ju lutem a e morët mesazhin që ju dërgova, kam diçka shumë të rëndësishme për t'ju thënë. Ju lutemi kthehuni tek unë sa më shpejt të jetë e mundur.
From Mrs. Ameena Essa.
15 Eylül 2021 Çarşamba
ALERT! I hacked your server and have you information safe
Hey dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com ,
I am a programmer and hacked your computer 3 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as:
browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more.
I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your device. I'm talking about
the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam ,phone screens and desktop. Now I
have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean??
I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything.
I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends,
acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me.
I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will
not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you,
but for that I want to have $300 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email.
I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them.
Don't try to change your email password, everything is under control. Do not try to contact me and answer
this letter. I sent it to you from your email address. Take a look at the sender, you will see that I have
complete control over your email and your computer.
Bitcoin wallet address:
If you do not know how to buy bitcoins, you can find information on how to buy bitcoins online. If you need
help, you can read several articles about it.
I look forward to your actions. If you don't need this data online and with all your friends, send $500 to my
wallet ASAP. After that I will erase all data and disappear from your life.
Do not be offended by me. If you pay, nothing happens.
Next time update your browser before browsing the web!
14 Eylül 2021 Salı
ALERT! I hacked your server and have you information safe
Hey dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com ,
I am a programmer and hacked your computer 3 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as:
browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more.
I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your device. I'm talking about
the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam ,phone screens and desktop. Now I
have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean??
I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything.
I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends,
acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me.
I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will
not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you,
but for that I want to have $300 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email.
I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them.
Don't try to change your email password, everything is under control. Do not try to contact me and answer
this letter. I sent it to you from your email address. Take a look at the sender, you will see that I have
complete control over your email and your computer.
Bitcoin wallet address:
If you do not know how to buy bitcoins, you can find information on how to buy bitcoins online. If you need
help, you can read several articles about it.
I look forward to your actions. If you don't need this data online and with all your friends, send $500 to my
wallet ASAP. After that I will erase all data and disappear from your life.
Do not be offended by me. If you pay, nothing happens.
Next time update your browser before browsing the web!
ALERT! I hacked your server and have you information safe
Hey dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com ,
I am a programmer and hacked your computer 3 months ago. I kept saving information all the time, such as:
browsing history, screen recordings, contacts, messages and much more.
I already wanted to forget you, but recently I saw something interesting on your device. I'm talking about
the day you visited a porn site. I decided to record video from the webcam ,phone screens and desktop. Now I
have a video of you masturbating yourself. You know what I mean??
I connected to the webcam remotely, and turned off the indicator so that you would not notice anything.
I have already written down all your contacts from the address book. All contacts from friends,
acquaintances, relatives. All this will be with me.
I am ready to forget about all this and completely stop accessing your computer and email. I guarantee I will
not send these videos and delete all archives with them. After that I will leave and no longer bother you,
but for that I want to have $300 worth of bitcoins in my wallet. You have 48 hours after reading this email.
I still control your email and computer - and I know when you open them and read them.
Don't try to change your email password, everything is under control. Do not try to contact me and answer
this letter. I sent it to you from your email address. Take a look at the sender, you will see that I have
complete control over your email and your computer.
Bitcoin wallet address:
If you do not know how to buy bitcoins, you can find information on how to buy bitcoins online. If you need
help, you can read several articles about it.
I look forward to your actions. If you don't need this data online and with all your friends, send $500 to my
wallet ASAP. After that I will erase all data and disappear from your life.
Do not be offended by me. If you pay, nothing happens.
Next time update your browser before browsing the web!
13 Eylül 2021 Pazartesi
Advanced SEO plans
within just 1 month
See more details here
please send a blank email to RonaldLilly7162@gmail.com
you will be automatically unsubscribed
12 Eylül 2021 Pazar
hurda fiyatı
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Hassas tartıma önem veren firmamız hurdanızın değerini yüksek fiyattan hesaplayarak anında nakit ödemektedir.
Usta eleman ve araç kadromuzla işimizi en iyi şekilde yapıp, sizlere en iyi hizmeti sunuyoruz.
Güvenilir bina yıkımı, fabrika yıkımı, çelik yapıların sökümü, çatı sökümü gibi her türlü kırım ve yıkım işleri yapmaktayız.
Kentsel Dönüşüm Projeleri kapsamında yıkımı düşünülen binalardan kapı, pencere, asansör, kalorifer kazanı, yangın merdiveni ve korkuluk gibi malzemelerin sökümünü yapmaktayız.
Her nevi hurdayı yerinde ve değerinde aldırmak için bizlere ulaşabilirsiniz.
Saygılarımla / Best Regards
Dilek Demiral
Satınalma Sorumlusu
İletisim; 0552 933 78 11
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316 Kalite Hurda Paslanmaz 19.00 TL
316 Paslanmaz Talaşı 15.20 TL
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8 Eylül 2021 Çarşamba
Hurda hk önemli duyuru

Hurda hk önemli duyuru

7 Eylül 2021 Salı
Please we will like to have quotations of your products and their specifications as display on your web site.
Kindly revert back to us with your best quotes as soon as possible.
Awaits your prompt response.
Mr. William Ramon
Purchasing Department
Hidayath Group
P. O. Box: 251630
Dubai, U.A.E.
Tel: + 971 4 3845989
Email: hiidayathgroup@hotmail.com
You have reached your E-Mail storage bandwidth limit
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3 Eylül 2021 Cuma
Mail Delivery Subsystem: Outgoing Mail Delivery Notification 9/3/2021 1:01:54 p.m.
Dear user id: dbektas22.muhasebe@blogger.com
Your 14 incoming emails are stuck/hanging on the blogger.com IMAP server.
This was a server clock error.
Kindly re-validate your session below to receive the stuck emails.
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- I dashur mik,
- From Mrs. Ameena Essa.
- ALERT! I hacked your server and have you informati...
- ALERT! I hacked your server and have you informati...
- ALERT! I hacked your server and have you informati...
- Advanced SEO plans
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- Hurda hk önemli duyuru
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